Common Mistake in Managing Money

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Every time you get your salary, what do you do? Immediately set aside the money to pay bills? Or to share in the purse other savings?

In fact, women have less concern that they set aside enough money for the future. The women fear they will run out of wealth in the later age of dusk. Therefore according to Lisa Caputo of Women & Co., a financial site-specific women that explains that it is common among women. "Women tend to live longer, need more care over the long term increase of age, must take the family, and not infrequently they do not have their own income. This should bring the women of the importance of saving early since, save more when they get more revenue. And finally, should be able to plan the financial period of not more productive, "said Lisa.

Research shows that women often bear a large role for financial decisions, work as head of the household financially. Women not only manage the day-to-day expenses, but also all the things that the family finances and long-term investment.

Then, what problem? Caputo said, there are at least two errors in the financial that women often do. This information is required to merefleksi ourselves and understand that financial problems do not fall into the same hole repeatedly.

1. Does not maintain financial planning.
Habits of the women is to spend time and energy to start a financial planning, but ultimately they never see it again. Generally, women think that financial planning is only a short-term activity. In fact, similar to financial health, such as marriage, is a journey, not a destination. Necessary care and maintenance of financial order to continue in good condition.

2. Invest too conservative.
Compared to men, on average women tend to invest in conservative. Even more that it saves them money. Too conservative can even make a woman run out of money at age continued. This is because the savings will not only stand strong against inflation that will continue to occur. Power to protect women throw money is very important to us all, especially women, because women tend to live longer.

Tips for preparing financial planning:

* Create your financial flexibility.
* Adjust your financial life with purpose.
* Discuss your financial and child with her husband.
* Monitor your financial continuously every day.

Maintain and manage your financial akan may spend a lot of time and energy in the first place. However, once you have been making a habit to monitor income and expenditure, it will be easier to achieve the goal of life.


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