Managing Money Tips

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Almost all people, especially housewives, had difficulty managing finances. Moreover, if the source is only fit for routine need monthly. There are six important issues that need to be set up to finance in order to improve your quality of life:

1. Do financial planning.
Create items in the envelope is important given names such as shopping daily, monthly expenditure, contract, home, transportation, tuition, and the house needs that include electricity, telephone and water PAM. No need to make savings drastically. Important! You must adhere to budget discipline and it has been created. Go diet such as is the case, few if any violation of the agreement will still be 'obese'.

2. Start saving at the beginning of the pay.
Assume as a routine part of the deposit to be done. If not afford, do not impose themselves in saving a large amount, just 10 percent of salary.

3. Make use also includes daily spending the rest of the money in savings to the clay that can not be opened at will. If you already have a weight savings, move the money into bank accounts without ATM card so that it can not be taken at your heart.

4. While savings have reached a certain amount, harmless if you invest in stocks, unit linked or managed fund.

5. Save your credit card in the most part hidden in the wallet. Although this card often tempt your shopping habits, the card is still useful in times of emergency such as when to be in the hospital at night blindness while there is no ATM nearby.

6. Start thinking to set up pension funds that will be useful in the future.

If it is necessary, there are financial planners in some bank or other financial institutions that can help you.


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